Friday, March 28, 2008

Moment of Insanity

Have you ever watched The Moment of Truth?? It is on Fox after American Idol. I can't decide it I love it or find it appalling. Either way, Ed and I are hooked. Week after week, someone ruins their life in about 10 questions. And, about half the people end up lying and lose the money on top of being humiliated.

Last night, the contestant admitted that he was a male prostitute in college. HELLO!!! You are on national television!!! Your mommy is sitting 10 feet away from you. Do you have any pride?? Well, probably not. I really wanted to know which women out there would actually pay for sex. They don't know men very well.

A few weeks ago, a woman admitted that she didn't think her husband was the man she should be married to. She would leave him if her ex would have her. I would think that was a conversation she should have been having at home with the poor guy she just destroyed. She ended up losing all the money. The final question was: Do you think you are a good person? She answered yes.. She lied!!! Idiot!!

I would love to have a chance to win all that money. I don't think my questions would be that hard.

Did you hide the Easter candy from your husband and kids so you don't have to share? Yep!!

Do you spend too much time playing spider solitaire instead of doing laundry? Sure do.

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